Celina Pehlke

Premium Mentorings & Online courses (Ger & EN)

this is where you stop doubting and playfully start manifesting results

you are manifesting already

Manifestation is nothing you „plug into“. You are doing it already. Every minute. Every second.
That is because manifestation is based on a universal law: The Law of Attraction. 
To be honest with you: I can write a book about being confused of how all of this „Law of Attraction thing“ is working, about not having to work at all and only having to „think about it“. 
And still I came to a point where I found out what’s true and what’s not. I figured how I would use manifestation to playfully attract the most wonderful clients, apartments, investments, living a location independent life that’s filled with genuine joy and love.
And you can do it. You can learn how to playfully use these laws in your own favor and stop hustling for results.

Hi, i'm Célina

When I was first hearing about „manifestation“ I was already into entrepreneurship for 4 years, handling my two businesses pretty much how I was taught: You have to work hard to get results and control everything you can. Even though with my second business, my mentoring business, I was already into energetic work and human design.
But it wasn’t until I unapologetically started to live after the principals of Law of Attraction that I freed myself from coaching-hopping, depending on strategies I didn’t like and the permanent doubt how I would create the results I was dreaming of.
So can you. And I am more than happy to tap into this journey together until you learned all the skills to lifelong and independently create your dreams on your own:

10 minutes to manifesting

Client's Love Letters

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"Ich mich nun selbst besser und weiß was für eine Art Mensch ich bin. Nun verstehe ich auch, warum manche Ratschläge von Coaches einfach nicht zu mir passen. Ich kann mich nun davon lösen und mein Business um mich herum – vor allem um meine Stärken herum - aufbauen. Kein Verzweifeln mehr, warum Dinge bei mir nicht funktionieren oder ich mich damit nicht wohl fühle."
JANINA Einwich
"[Es] hat mir geholfen, Seiten an mir anzuerkennen und zu nutzen, gegen die ich immer gearbeitet habe. Das ist so geil, ich arbeite viel mehr in meinem Flow und nach meiner Energie. Und das merken auch meine Kund:innen. "
Clair schreiber
"Celina, es ist unglaublich, was grade passiert. Seit unserem Gespräch (..) explodiert mein Geschäft! Der Wahnsinn. Ich freu mich so sehr, die Energie hat sich derart verändert.""
Sarah Grüger